Return Policy

1. Eligibility for Returns

1.1. We take great pride in the quality and craftsmanship of our customized products. As such, we handle returns and exchanges for customized items in accordance with the following conditions:

2. Non-Returnable Customized Products

2.1. Customized products are made to order, often based on unique specifications provided by the customer. As a result, most customized products are not eligible for return or exchange unless they arrive damaged, defective, or do not match the customer's provided specifications.

3. Returns Due to Damage or Defects

3.1. If you receive a customized product that is damaged or defective, please contact our customer support team within a day of receiving the item. We will provide instructions on returning the item.

4. Returns for Incorrect Customization

4.1. If the customized product does not match the specifications you provided during the ordering process, please contact our customer support team within a day of receiving the item. We will work with you to address the issue, which may include a return, replacement, or correction of the customization.

5. Return Process

5.1. To initiate a return or exchange for an eligible customized product, please contact our customer support team through WhatsApp: 8699907767. You will be required to provide your order number and details about the reason for the return.

5.2. Once your return request is approved, we will provide you with instructions on how to return the item. Please follow these instructions carefully to ensure a smooth return process.

6. Refunds and Exchanges

6.1. If your return is approved, we will process the refund or exchange as follows:

Refund: We will initiate a refund to the original payment method. Refunds may take 4-5 working days to process.

Exchange: If you choose to exchange the item, we will ship the replacement customized product as soon as possible, subject to product availability.

7. Return Shipping

7.1. Customers are responsible for the cost of return shipping for eligible customized product returns unless the return is due to damage, defects, or a customization error on our part.

8. Questions

8.1. If you have any questions about our return policy for customized products, please contact us at Email:, WhatsApp: 8699907767.